
NCAL # 154 – NCAFL # 189 – NCREL # 99460
- Conducting Auction Sales of Real Estate and Personal Property since 1963.
- Assisted in writing the North Carolina Auctioneers Laws in 1976.
- Appointed To the North Carolina Auctioneers Commission by North Carolina Governor James B. Hunt, Jr. on July 1 st, 1999.
- Re-appointed on to the North Carolina Auctioneers Commission by Governor Michael F. Easley, July 17 th 2003
- Was Re-appointed to the North Carolina Auctioneers Commission for a Third Term by then Governor Beverly Perdue. Mrs. Perdue served from 2009 to 2013.
- Have written and presented several “Auctioneer” Continued Education programs.
- Have written and have had published several Real Estate Auction articles for The North Carolina State and Georgia State Magazines.
- Have conducted several “Benefit Auctions for Schools and Churches as well as the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis Tennessee.
Hundreds of Auctions Since 1963…
Since our beginning in 1963 Pierce Auction Service and Real Estate, Inc. has conducted hundreds of Personal Property Auctions.
-Selling estates for families.
-Selling out Distribution Centers.
-Sold out numerous Furniture Stores.
-Sold out a variety of different Retail Stores.
-Sold out the inventory of a Moving and Storage Company.
-Sold out numerous Distribution Centers and Manufacturing Plants.
-Sold out a large number of Machine Shops, Churches and one nursing home.
-Sold numerous Restaurants and Bars, and the list goes on……..
We have sold out many developments, and have sold hundreds and hundreds of acres of land.
Over the years we have sold more homes than we can count. We have sold numerous condo’s, and apartment buildings. On more than one given day we have sold as many as 24 houses in a day.

This information above was not put here to brag about our accomplishments. All accomplishments above are facts and the reason we have published the above information was to send a message to you, that whatever job you need to be done Pierce Auction Service and Real Estate “CAN DO THE JOB”. We have the experience.
Since 1963 we have conducted auction sales in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and of course North Carolina. We have conducted Auction Sales in 284 Cities and Towns in North Carolina which included 90 different Counties.